Promoting Food Donation: Liability Protection Law and Policy Issue Brief

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More than one-third—or 1.3 billion tons—of food is lost or wasted annually while up to 811 million people were hungry last year. Lost or wasted food has a massive carbon footprint, using roughly 28 percent of agricultural land and accounting for 8 percent of global GHG emissions. Food donation offers a solution by redirecting safe, surplus food to those who need it most.

However, many food donors do not donate safe, surplus food out of fear that they will incur legal liability after donation. Too often, this leads to wholesome safe food being discarded unnecessarily, when instead that surplus could provide critical food access to many individuals. The new issue brief, produced through글로벌 식량 기부 정책 아틀라스, was developed to help global leaders use policies to address these liability concerns to assure donors will not be found liable if donated food is wholesome and meets food safety requirements.

Promoting Food Donation: Liability Protection Law and Policy shares best practices designed to support food donation, reduce food waste, address hunger, and decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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Promoting Food Donation: Liability Protection Law and Policy Issue Brief