글로벌 식량 기부 정책 아틀라스: 브라질

More than a quarter of Brazilians face food insecurity but 42% of food produced there is wasted annually. Research from GFN and the Harvard Law School Food Law & Policy Clinic shows how policymakers can adapt food donation and labeling laws to reduce waste, feed people facing hunger, and mitigate climate change. In The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas, explore the country-based food donation policy research for Brazil including a legal guide, policy recommendations, and executive summary.

글로벌 식량 기부 정책 아틀라스, supported by Walmart Foundation, identifies existing laws and policies that support or hinder food recovery and donation and offers policy recommendations for strengthening frameworks and adopting new measures to fill existing gaps. The analyses featured in country-specific reports are also encapsulated in an 대화형 Atlas 도구 이를 통해 사용자는 프로젝트에 참여하는 국가 간의 정책을 비교할 수 있습니다.

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