앤서니 키친

현장 및 지식 서비스 수석 이사

Anthony moved to Chicago from the United Kingdom to join GFN in October 2012, following 10 years of working in the corporate food industry sector in management consulting. He brings a wide range of experience, having completed a number of successful projects for a variety of clients in the retail and consumer goods industries during eight years at Accenture. In 2008, Anthony worked on behalf of GFN in South Africa helping establish FoodBank South Africa (now FoodForward SA) and exploring the food sourcing opportunities there. After leaving Accenture, he spent three years working for the largest dairy company in the U.K. before joining GFN. Anthony holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration from the University of Bath.

Articles by Anthony Kitchen

아프리카 푸드 뱅크, 배운 교훈을 공유하여 서로 강화

6월 말, 7개국에서 40명이 넘는 푸드 뱅킹 전문가가 모여 2021년 아프리카 푸드 뱅크 인큐베이터 컨퍼런스의 일환으로 아이디어, 모범 사례 및 전문 지식을 교환했습니다.
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