Soutenez notre mission

Join us to help locally led food banks connect millions of people to wholesome food and reducing food waste around the world.

Façons de donner

Faites un don aujourd'hui
A donation today helps GFN and locally led food banks connect more people to wholesome food. Unrestricted gifts received from individuals and workplace donors will be matched 100 percent up to $875,000 through April 15, 2024 (limit $20,000 per gift).
Donner mensuellement
Become a Friends of Food Banking monthly donor to help strengthen GFN and Network food banks and get us closer to a world without hunger. All new monthly donors will have their first six gifts matched 200 percent up to $25,000 through April 15, 2024.
Donner mensuellement


Offrez un cadeau symbolique
Through the Food Bank Gift Guide, you’re strengthening school meal programs, providing critical emergency relief, helping local leaders, and advancing food banks around the world.
Start a fundraiser
Launch a fundraiser with our online tool. Celebrate your birthday with a fundraiser for GFN, host an event, support us through a marathon or race—the options are endless!


Impliquez votre entreprise
Nous construisons des partenariats uniques et significatifs. Grâce à des programmes mondiaux et régionaux, votre entreprise ou fondation peut contribuer par le biais de dons financiers, de programmes d'engagement des employés et des clients, et bien plus encore.
Connectez votre nourriture et votre produit
Your company can address climate change and connect more people with food and essential items; and we can help you do it efficiently and economically alongside locally led food banks across six continents.


Chaque US$1 investi dans GFN fournit suffisamment de nourriture pour 14 repas en moyenne, selon les données de 2020.*

*La transparence est importante pour nous, c'est pourquoi nous voulons être clairs sur comment ce point de données est calculé.


Food banks nourish people and the planet—you can help them reach more people and places.

While millions of people struggle to access enough nutritious food, nearly a third of all food produced is lost or wasted. Together, we can change that. When you make your first donation, organize a fundraiser, or get your company involved you:

  • help locally led food banks increase food access for people facing hunger in nearly 50 countries,
  • soutenir les efforts visant à réduire les pertes et le gaspillage alimentaires et à atténuer le changement climatique,
  • and power this global Network of local leaders and organizations that are strengthening their communities.

Rejoignez notre communauté

Rencontrez les organisations locales soutenues par votre don.

Get in Touch

Have questions about making a gift or partnering with GFN? Reach out to our team.

Découvrez comment votre soutien mène à un impact durable